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copper top coffee table

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Tables1048 of 1389Redwood Burl Table I Refinished this WeekMy 4 mid century modern table collection.  Help me identify them Please!!
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    I have acquired this coffee table. It has an etched copper top and wooden legs. It measures 1230mm x 1230mm x 500 mm. Would anyone have an idea of when and where it was made

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    1. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      interesting - can you add a few clearer images of the top, and any markings on the underside?
    2. ding, 12 years ago
      Hi Hunter,
      I will try and get some better photos for you. I can't see anything on the underside
    3. ding, 12 years ago
      Hi Hunter,
      I have posted some close up. Any thoughts
    4. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      definitely looks mid-century to me, my guess would be early 1960s.
    5. ding, 12 years ago
      Any idea where it might have been made
    6. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      nope, that's what we need a production mark for - I bet there's one between the two top pieces, but they might be impossible to remove...
    7. ding, 12 years ago
      Thanks for your help
    8. Lobsterboy23, 12 years ago
      Hey man I have the same table kinda it's octogon shape and I'm trying to find info out on it
    9. ding, 12 years ago
      Hey Lobsterboy,
      Let me know if you find anything out.
    10. Lobsterboy23, 12 years ago
      I'm trying I got mine posted did you get your table like that or was it a bit different
    11. ding, 12 years ago
      It came as is.
    12. Lobsterboy23, 12 years ago
      Take a look at mine I'm swear there the same we might have some money and don't even know it :)
    13. ding, 12 years ago
      The designs look exactly the same. Someone has to know something. I got mine in a market in Denmark, if that is any help
    14. Lobsterboy23, 12 years ago
      Mine come out of a house back in the 40 to 50's and it was like that the whole time not changed
    15. ding, 12 years ago
      Hey Lobsterboy,
      Why Lobsterboy?????
      Anyway check out They have a table similiar to ours
    16. bmilne, 12 years ago
      I own a two pieces from this collection , Some time ago I came across five pieces that once belonged to one the partners in the firm in a shop , They told me that the manufacture was Elite furniture 60-70s Montreal , the copper work was imported from Israel . Sold by Phillip Van Leeuwen in Canada
    17. bmilne, 12 years ago
      I have the same copper work , but mine is mounted on a round surface .

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