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Muncie Pottery -- overlooked by many

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    Muncie Pottery in Muncie Indiana (65 miles from Indianapolis) produced an amazing range of shapes and glazes. At its peak, it employed just twenty people. Its earliest glazes were matte, but then they came out with some amazing drip glazes in both matte and gloss. My favorites includes the Peachskin (named after the look of a ripe peach). Muncie produced excellent Arts & Crafts pottery and exceptional Art Deco pottery in the form of cubist shapes designed by Reuben Haley (of Consolidated Glass Ruba Rombic fame).
    If some of the major art pottery companies are too expensive for you, take a look at Muncie. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
    I wrote the book "Phoenix & Consolidated Art Glass 1926-1980," which contains a chapter on Muncie Pottery. That chapter focused on the Muncie items designed by Reuben Haley (Ruba Rombic, Spanish line and others). I later became interested in other Muncie shapes after visiting a few Muncie collections. That lead to me acquiring lots of Muncie pottery and I now have almost every shape they made.

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    1. Leslimarie Leslimarie, 8 years ago
      My great grandfather, James Wilkins created the "peach skin" glaze and many other Muncie drips and glazes. The peach skin glaze was actually created by mistake. Peach skin is my favorite as well. If you have pictures.of your collection I would love to see them.

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