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WW I Trench Art Biplane

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (32 items)

    Hello to all collectors. Here is a unique piece from my trench art collection. It is a biplane made from an olive oil can a few pieces of wood and some straight pins. The plane is very small and measures approximately 3½” in both directions. The wings have enough of the paint left on the tin to make out olive oil across the top. The tiny wood pieces between the wings are slightly larger than the size of a match stick. A straight pin goes all the way through both wings and secures the wings to the body of the plane. I am not sure what the wheels are made from but seem accurate to the scale of the plane. This is a working model the propeller actually spins very well if you blow on it. This is one of my favorite pieces that appears to be completely handmade. I won this item on ebay several years ago for a around $60.00.
    Thanks for taking a moment to view my item.

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    1. James James, 14 years ago
      Is it German? It looks like an Albatross the shape of the nose, tail and wing tips.
    2. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      I am not sure it it is German. I just know I really like the little plane.
    3. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      What is advertising tin say? it will tell the story.Look up advertising ad on wing.
    4. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      It is made of an olive oil can.
    5. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Search maker of oil maker see where it came from? Was this military oil container or local distributer? Very interesting item
    6. James James, 14 years ago
      No matter who made it, it's a great little piece. The things people came up with to occupy their time sitting in those trenches. If only it could talk.
    7. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      Mystery Name---The markings on the olive oil can indicate that the can was U.S. made but I can not make out the company. The word was arched and only the first 2 letters P & O and the last 2 A or R then N make up the name with the word brand below. Looks like 3-4 letters are missing in the name. I have not been able to solve the puzzle any help would be appreciated.
    8. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      You make a good point. I guess it can go either way trench art or tramp art or even just something made for the heck of it. When I purchased it on ebay several years ago it was listed as trench art. I just feel it very well could be trench art being a bi-plane. Some of those guys had a lot of time on their hands and many were very talented. Thanks for looking.
    9. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      Google biplane - I only see ones with one propeller.

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