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My Grandmother's ART NOUVEAU Pin

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Victorian and Edwardian Jewelry601 of 775Antique Victorian Pink Sapphire OMC Diamond 14k Pendant Intriguing silver clasp
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (436 items)

    This is the only Jewelry item that I have of my Grandmother who passed away in the 1950's at 84 years old. I suppose that she would have been wearing this as a young girl/lady in the late 1800's-early 1900's. I have always wondered what material it was made of (french ivory-plastics?), especially the filigreed flower basket in the center. It is marked "MADE IN FRANCE" on the back and measures 1 1/2" square. I was told that she wore it in the front of her buttoned-up collar and that she looked quite regal. Thanks everyone for your perusal & help, RER (LOUMANAL)

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    1. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Most beautiful! : )
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Thanks mustangtony, mikkoChristmas11 and subversivegrrl for the Love!! RER (LOUMANAL)
    3. davyd286, 12 years ago
      Is the white part shiny like mother of pearl or matte?
    4. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      It is smooth like early plastics...catalin/french ivory but it is inlaid with pearl-like decorations. RER (LOUMANAL
    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Thanks AmberRose, vetraio50, birdie and pops52 for the Love! RER (BOB)
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Sort of piqué (for piqué look at: )inlaid with mother of pearl or perhaps even silver? This kind of clasp was made between 1890 and 1920's. That's all I could tell you for the time being.
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Thank you Agram.m! Your Turtoise shell Pique Jewelry is wonderful. I agree that the treatment on this brooch is the same type of "pique" treatment. I appreciate your help very much!! BOB

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