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Kralik Millefiori Basket 10 1/2" tall

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Bohemian Art Glass5874 of 66813 BOHEMIAN JACK IN THE PULPITS Franz Welz Bubbles and Spots 12 1/2" tall Vase
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (152 items)

    This piece arrived last the colors on this Kralik Millefiori Basket 10 1/2" tall. I don't usually buy the baskets, but just had to...this one is soo cool, and the Height was a plus.

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    1. philmac51 philmac51, 9 years ago
      I just did a search on here to find a Kralik basket in this millefiori (iris) decor and came on this post. I'm not a basket collector either, but when it's kralik and in this decor, you just gotta have it. - beautiful by the way, I'm surprised you didn't get any comment or feedback 3 years ago! here's mine:

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