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1830s Fotherby Wakefield Shotgun-want to know more about it!

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (20 items)

    Anyone know anything about this gun? Only info I could find was that it was made in England from 1830-1832. Inlaid in brass/copper are the words Fotherby Wakefield. It has nice old embelishment (some silver, brass and copper), original engraved stock and all works freely. Barrel measures 29.5 inches and is not marked. It's engraved Fothersby under the left hammer. How rare is it? Help!
    I added two more pictures to show hammers open.

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    1. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 12 years ago
      There were two gunmakers, William & John both named Fotherby from Leeds.
      One could have worked in Wakefield at one time. Those two bars on top of the barrels should be Gold and not brass as you are describing. A lot of English gunmakers did use gold along with #1 & #2 because fine guns were made in pairs in those days. This was so a gentleman hunter could shoot and hand the empty gun to a "loader" (who was usually his game keeper), the loader's job was to keep one gun at the ready. In this case it looks like you have an old precussion shotgun. More information can be seen at this web site.
    2. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 12 years ago
      I looked at the pictures again and I believe it is not precussion but did use shells.
      I would love to see a picture of it opened. I believe it could be an "under lever".
    3. retroraabe retroraabe, 12 years ago
      Thanks thisoldwatch! I added two picture to help. What do you think?
    4. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 12 years ago
      It is a black powder muzzle loader. You place a priming cap on each nipple and then the two guards are pushed carefully on the priming caps. The guards keeps the primers from falling off in the field. I have to admit, I have never seen this set up before. It is rare and very unusual. It should have a ram rod to go with it. This would be kept under the barrels in little rings. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    5. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 12 years ago
      It would keep and blow-back from the primers from hitting the user in the face :)
    6. retroraabe retroraabe, 12 years ago
      Thanks thisoldwatch! Pictures don't show it but it has the original ranrod with it. I appreciate the info!! Ever seen this gun before?
    7. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Interesting percussion system. The flat hammers are unlike any others I have seen.

    8. retroraabe retroraabe, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the great info and love! If I were to sell it what's a reputable site to sell it on?
    9. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 12 years ago
      I have looked in all of my books on early English guns and still cannot find an example of this unusual firearm. Selling it may prove difficult because there is very little to compare it with. You could go to a local gun show and walk around with a sign on it "for sale"(this does work) or you could try this site. I would take some more pictures of the action etc. Good luck.

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