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1942 Pepsi bottle

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    Trying to find information on this bottle....paper labels. Top label says: During wartime bottles are scarce. Please return promptly. Bottled in Portland, OR

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    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Well its a WW2 era bottle. Metals and glass were scarce back then due to the war effort. So Pepsi campaigned American to bring back bottles. Sort of a recycling drive back then. I seen empty ones go for $20.00 with label. I would say around $30.00 would be good price. Dave
    2. beachbomb, 14 years ago
      Hi. Would you be willing to sell it? I love it!
    3. Karen, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the offer, but I think it is sold. If something falls through, I'll let you know.
    4. SHERI, 14 years ago
      Try looking on ebay, I saw some their early tonight selling for over $50.00

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