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Silver Ovide Yencesse mother and child pendant

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (306 items)

    I bought this pendant a few months ago. I just had to have it.
    Its made by Ovide Yencesse (1869-1947), a French medaillist and sculptor.
    Its about 3cm wide and 2cm high. Its a bit dirty on the back but Iwill have to leave it like that, I don't want to ruin the nice patina!
    There exists also a bronze plaquette and a lot of medals with the same image.
    The style is really impressionistic. Its very low relief and blurred. So when I bouht it I almost thought it was worn. But thats just the way it was made. It looks stunning on a black dress.
    I absolutely love it and I'm never going to part with it!

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    1. BHock45 BHock45, 12 years ago
      All I can say is wow. I am wow wow. very jealous. Great decision to buy this one!
    2. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks BHock45 for your comment and for the love.
      Thanks BELLING68, BHock45 and Woman34 for loving it
    3. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      OK, me want! I love this! I would love to be in your family of good taste and inherit :) You are very blessed to have such great pieces!!!
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Very lovely picture of mother and child.
    5. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Moonstonelover21, I would love to have your knowledge about fine jewelry and your collection! :-)
      I love the hunt...always awsome to discover a new treasure
    6. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks Manikin, Agram.M, Moonstonelover21, Hunter, lisa and Pops52 for the love
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      A real treasure!
    8. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks valentino97, Toolate2 and vetraio50 for loving it.
      valentino97 Im a bit too shy for that, mabye another time
    9. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Is it glue that's on the back? if yes, then maybe using a Qtip wetted with lighter fuel, you could remove the glue or even rubbing alcohol. Try it on the leaf...lower left first. I would not try anything harsher than that. It is a remarkable piece!! LOUMANAL
    10. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Loumanal, thanks for the tip. I will definatly try that
    11. davyd286, 12 years ago
      Beautiful image!
    12. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks davyd286 for the love
    13. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks gale50, Phil,kygurl32 and bratjdd for the love
    14. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
    15. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks AmberRose for the love. Its nice so many people like my pendant
    16. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Loumanal, I removed the glue on the back thanks to your tip. So now its even nicer!
    17. vintagejewel vintagejewel, 12 years ago
    18. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks everybody for your nicecomments and for appreciating my pendant!
    19. sarahoff sarahoff, 12 years ago
      Newtimes this is and amazing pendant, what wonderful detail!
    20. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thank you sarahoff for appreciating my pendant.
    21. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      This is the most beautiful and special necklace I have seen, ever!
    22. Christina721, 11 months ago
      I have thus in a brooch that I am hoping to sell . It is beautiful but I don't wear and am afraid to clean

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