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Victorian silver picture brooch: beauty in ruins

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Brooches772 of 917MAYBE UNSIGNED GEORG JENSEN BROOCHAntique Victorian Huge Moss Agate Sterling Brooch Germany 40mm x 30mm
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (306 items)

    I bought this brooch last year. I just love photo-related jewelry, lockets and so on. It touches my romantic soul.
    The handsome fellow came with the brooch. He looks like he just got married or something.
    I dont know what happened to the back of the brooch...Was there a hook or something so you could wear it as a pendant?
    There is also a traditional c-clasp with the original hinged pin stem. It extends beyond the edge of the brooch which was right for that era 1860-1870
    I really like it. The bad thing is I never wear brooches. So maybe I just have to get it restored/transformed to be wearable as a pendant.
    Oh and I should look at those little markings on the back. Never thought of that before.

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    1. pops52 pops52, 12 years ago
      Very nice!
    2. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks Bellin68 and pops52 for the love
    3. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks gale50, kerry104, walksoftly, mustangtony and vetraio50 for the love.
      Gee, I never thought so much people would love it as much as I do, since the back looks so bad.

      I looked at the marks but I could not decipher them. I don't care. Mystery men are far more intruiguing ;-)
    4. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      It looks to be Art Nouveau & I don't think they had a back & in not all cases did they also convert to pendants.
    5. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks Zowie for the information
    6. davyd286, 12 years ago
      It looks like it has space on back for another compartment that's now gone, may be glass?
    7. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      davyd286, maybe, I never thought about that possibility before. Thanks!
      Agam and Gale50, thanks for the love
    8. davyd286, 12 years ago
      If it did have a compartment, say, for hair or another memento, and someone had tried to pry it open, that could possibly explain the damage.
    9. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      davyd286 yes you could be right
    10. Newtimes Newtimes, 12 years ago
      Thanks Hunter and lisa for the love

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