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Porcelain Cubist Dog Harlequin Button Eye with String

In Animals > Dogs > Show & Tell and Figurines > Show & Tell.
Dogs989 of 1089Old and Large Cement / Cast Stone Bulldog - how old?8 1/2 inch Dog statue, Pewter? Looks like my old dog Brownie!!!
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    Vintage porcelain dog. Very cubist in form. Looks like he has a harlequin outfit on. On the front there is 3 gold dots, gold detailing.
    Curious thing about this dog is that it has an old button as one eye that is attached to some string that is attached to two holes in the back of the dog. The holes are original to the piece.
    If anyone has information about this piece, I would love to know about it.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. rhinoman rhinoman, 12 years ago
      Cool little guy!
    2. maryh1956 maryh1956, 12 years ago
      Found a link on google for "porcelain bulldog" the pic showed up in the search, but when I went to the eBay listing the photos didn't show, but here is the link. They said it was a light light originally, made in Germany
    3. tammyleclaire, 12 years ago
      Great, I think the mystery is solved. The description is exactly what I have. I assume one of the glass eye fell out and the person replaced it with a button and string. I guess they didn't have any glue! Thanks again!
    4. ABklynguy ABklynguy, 11 years ago
      Awesome . That is so cool

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