Posted 12 years ago
(5053 items)
I grow California native plants in them. The first is an old paint can which looks like it was used for target practice and now it is home to a Catalina Live-for-ever. I love the pot in the second pic and the Lewisia in it should put on a beautiful show pretty soon. The third pic shows some pots i did for an entryway to a client's house. The last picture is a very cool plant stand i picked up a couple weeks ago.
I love your second pot too. Is it German?
thanks maryh1956. no, it's not german. it's mexican high-fired terracotta. most people think that mexican pottery is all made from that soft, low-fired clay, but it's not. there's a huge variety of types and qualities of pottery in mexico - which has a very long and rich tradition of pottery of all types. most people are not aware that mexico never allowed lead or other carcinogenic things to be used in their glazes, so mexican pottery has always been food-safe, as well as beautiful!
I love it, but you are correct. I think that image came from the cheap tourist ware people would bring back from vacation. I wanted to make some flower pot bread, but all the unglaze pots at the nursery were from Mexico, so was afraid to use them in a hot oven, so they will be OK?
definitely. even the cheap-o mexican pottery is safe to cook with and eat on.