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Bad tooth I have & a few arrowheads

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Native American Arrowheads86 of 125SpearheadSpearhead found after a hard rain. Located in SW Ga on my own swamp bottom.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (199 items)

    Caught my Fr. dentist off guard when I handed it to him & told him it fell out. 1 3/4" Megaladon tooth I got yrs ago in St. John & later found out they are dug up in bucket-fulls in S. AL.
    The others are arrowheads from AL found while I was supposed to be growing up. (Too late now). Quartz & jasper were most used in that area so assume the obsidian one was traded for. A friend's son got into my things while I was in Jamaica(or somewhere) & stole all the rest. There was a large cigar box full. He also took off with an orig. tintype of my G,G,Great grand father in his Confederate uniform avec .69 musket & his 1901 Dallas Confederate Veteran's medal. See I missed one arrowhead so you will just have to guess unless I get a request.

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    1. pops52 pops52, 12 years ago
      Hope all is well in St. Maarten.
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Pops, since you asked, I went out & looked at the lagoon & ocean. I am happy to report that I didn't see any 20 metre waves & close to a full moon. We do have a shortage of "drive-bys" in this target rich area after dark. We need to arm more of the locals!
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      What happened to your friend's son, did you send him swimming with an anchor? :-)
      It's one thing to lose some arrow heads, but the tintype & medal were priceless.
      Okay I'll bite what is the third arrowhead?
    4. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Father & son estranged & don't know where to take the anchour. The arrow heads come from the Upper Creek territory where the most common tips found are made of quartz & it doesn't flake cleanly & so look crudely made. Tribes would trade for what they needed & apparently these Creeks didn't have much to trade. There were a lot of flint 1's but the doper took them.
    5. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      ok blunder -- left you a message on the square contact gage -- did you look at it yet -- that is an interesting item the member posted -- and now in regards to this posting of yours -- well you nasty little sticky fingers-- full moon is here in vancouver wa and totally messing with my sleep patterns -- but that is when i am most productive on information -- a witch is a witch and a witch (mother nature) does what a witch does -- and no i am not a witch or a member of wicka etc etc -- hopefully just a nice spirit that likes to help
    6. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      hi blunder -- just am doing a copy paste on what is a browser

      come on blunder a browser is the little cell -- oh crap just call me and we will work through it -- i am home and doing the needlepoints with the threads

    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Yes!...please requesting!!!!!.......and soooooo!!!.. pleased you haven't managed to grow neeva!.....:-)

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