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Quirky Double Gourd Cabinet Vase

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Studio Art Glass437 of 509Abelman Glass - Trumpet vase, 2004exbor vase ?
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (7 items)

    This cabinet vase is 3 1/2 H x 2 3/4 W. It is quite chunky thing being made of layers of white, clear, and blue which you can see from the bottom view in the second image. It is finished with tan pulled feather under decor and tan mottled over decor with light iridescence. Instead of a pontil, the piece has been cut straight across the bottom.

    I have no idea who made this, but I love the color and shape (it's a fun vase to handle). My guess is that it's American studio glass that I'll never identify, but maybe someone on here has the answers. Thanks!

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    1. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      Compare it to my Steuben Brown Aurene Millefiori vase I posted on CW under Steuben. Similar in many ways.
    2. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Very pretty, love the shape and colours!....:-)
    3. bkirks bkirks, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the comments Belling, LoetzBuddies, and inky. :)

      Definitely similarities in size and shape to your Steuben piece, LB. I didn't see the image of the bottom, though. Is that available somewhere?
    4. bkirks bkirks, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the "loves" everyone.
    5. bkirks bkirks, 12 years ago
      The layering of the glass on this piece is what gives the unusual appearance. The piece is simply cut straight across the bottom. Mark Peiser is one contemporary artist that does this with his pieces. The following link is a piece that I found. The color and technique used to render the butterfly, remind me a bit of my vase, but I don't know that I could directly attribute it to him.
    6. inky inky, 9 years ago
      Merry Christmas Betsy!...Penny!..:-)

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