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Thomas Webb... Amber and Ice Blue Jug

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (229 items)

    I was pleased when this lovely jug arrived last week it was the quality and colour that really attracted me to it and the four little just looked like it was going to scuttle off across the floor.

    Again!.. it was s shocka! of a photo and the four lion heads just looked like blobs of amber glass so I was really surprised and pleased to find them when I unwrapped it!

    I love the colour combination of the amber and ice blue, the close optic design on the inside gives an illusion of movement... running water.

    It’s quite beautiful and... quite heavy for its size weighing in at … 1 lb. 3 ½ ounces or just over 1 kilo ..standing 16cm or just over 6 ½ inches tall.

    Thank you for looking…..:-)

    Many thanks Kai for your help with the identification....

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    1. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      Harrach or Heckert or maybe even Baccarat... the shape is very like a baccarat shape, (going from memory) the lions heads are familiar.. can't remember who I know did them. Quality jug all the way round though. I'll keep my eyes open for you.
    2. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      oh and whoever did it 1880's
    3. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      I love that color combination as well! I've got one similar but with a stopper on top.

    4. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
    5. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      That is absolutely beautiful inky!!!
    6. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Greatsnowyowl...thank you very much for your comments and shall head off in the directions you have given. I have done some research on it but have not really come up with something concrete.. Harrach was a small possibility for me!... Really!! happy with the age a little later than I thought...I appreciate anything you can tell me...:-)
    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      BELLIN.. thank you so much it is beautiful.....:-)

      scottvez...The colours are really lovely.. mine didn't have a stopper the neck inside is as smoothe as the outside.. have we seen your's!?..:-)

      Moonstonelover21....Thank you...:-)

      Justanovice....Thank you, pleaserd you like it!...:-)

      Phil..thasnk you and yes they have settled in very nicely!'s the chickens I have to keep an eye on!!!....:-)
    8. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks ... vetraio50 ~ walksoftly ~ JayHow ~ czechman ~ mustangtony and S2G....:-)
    9. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      I actually think Harrach is VERY likely. baccarat did have a nearly identical shape to this one but the one in the book is clear and iridized and has no lions. the feet the shape of the body and the handle style they used are all similar. but it's not identical.
    10. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      A very dangerous piece to gaze upon for those of us who would maintain a sangfroid decorum amidst art glass vessels!!! Woahhhhh. Congratulations on another splendid find, inky!!!!! : D
    11. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks AmberRose....:-)
    12. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Hello miKKo.. and thank you.. reading your comment at first I thought it was because of the presence of the lions..which would be advisable anyway…lol!
    13. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Such beautifully liquid glass .
    14. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks ozmarty!...:-)
    15. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks Mac63!...:-)
    16. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      inky just magnificent ! it reminds me of a blue lagoon :-) love love
    17. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Hello Manikin thank you it is very watery looking isn't it...:-)

      Many thanks for the love....:-)


    18. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      Hi inky , you always have beautiful things . I guess I am hoping for summer so bad I see a beautiful warm lagoon . Maybe wishful thinking :-)))))) Hope all is well with you .
    19. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Inky-- I posted mine today.

      It is a little taller and has an amber stopper. I need you to take the photos-- mine aren't that good:

      Let me know what you think.

    20. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Inky-- I checked the edge of the rim of mine and near the amber handle a "3" is etched.

      Since I have seen that before to match stopper to a bottle, I checked the stopper and sure enough on the bottom it has a "3".

      It is probably indicative that yours also had a stopper at one time!

    21. antiquarius123 antiquarius123, 12 years ago
      Love anything with lions but glass lions are really special!
    22. inky inky, 12 years ago
      antiquarius123..I agree me too!.. I love my lions and these are particularly lovely and I have four!....:-)
    23. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks petey!...:-)
    24. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks Glasseyed...appreciated!...:-)
    25. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Thank you JayHow...I d0 have something rather special on it's way to me that I am rather excited about!...:-)
    26. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Local auction JayHow..:-)
    27. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks mikelv85 ~ Moonstonelover21 and manddmoir .....:-)
    28. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 12 years ago
      Again a nice piece Inky, and as I mentioned on another example creepy but in a cool way!
    29. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Thanks Shawnl86, I know what you mean.. it's probably better in the 'flesh!'...:-)
    30. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Many thanks lisa....:-)
    31. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Y ~ U ~ M ~ M ~ Y............................

      << licks lips >>
    32. kairomalte, 11 years ago
      Now I looked again on your interesting Vase. Though, as a first guess, it Looks like Harrach, I now found, it is decorated with the very same lion heads, made from the same mould, as my "Brain Bronce Glass vase" of Webb is decorated with. This identifies your vase as being Webb, too.
    33. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      I have a fritz Hecker with lion's heads.
    34. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Looooove F H...would love to see it! please!.....:-)

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