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Blue and violet pate de verre vase marked Lorrain

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (344 items)

    In 2009 I bought two vases very cheap (about 10 U$ each one) because they are not in the taste of people here, they are rare. The light blue is one of my favorite colors, so this one was the first one to catch my attention. The shape is amusing (32 cm total height), a sort of German lobed goblet with a long ribbed stem, but upside down.
    The first thinks I speculated was that it was near 1920 and French because of the type of glass. Looking with care the lines of the mold were evident, so it was a molded piece, in a two part mold. Thus, it is a molded glass, though the long neck is not straight. At the bottom two enameled numbers are present like a 21/2 (image 2), probably meaning that the mold number was 21 and the piece the second done with that mold.
    While looking at the pictures I did trying to portrait the lines of the mold, I noticed that it was signed. It is hard to distinguish since the mark is over a dark area. It is done with red enamel.
    Lorrain can be clearly read. Thus, I began to search which French art glass factory signed their products in this way. What I found surprised me a lot it was a piede done by Daum at "Verreries de Belle-Etoile" in Croismare (close to Nancy), that produced molded glass pieces. I found a similar vase in internet , though much simpler design, that was on sale in ebay for US $450.00 and idenfified as done at Croismare near Nancy, circa 1926 – 27 and it further states “This signature is published by Carolus Hartmann, Glasmarken Lexikon 1600 - 1945 (Stuttgart, Germany 1997), on page 211, number 4548.”

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    1. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Hi! kivatinitz...just an idea but! if you put the third or last photo first you may get more hits, in the first photo it is hard to see what it is!
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 12 years ago
      Thanks inky, I am trying to do so....
    3. antikarium antikarium, 11 years ago
      hi kivatinitz, you nbare right, its " lorrain" a brand of daum.
    4. Deano Deano, 1 year ago
      Oh my! Interesting from top to bottom! Love the colors.

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