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Onion Bulb Vase with Raised Painted Flowers /Mystery Solved ! 1800's Victorian Bristol/European

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I found this pretty little (8" tall) onion bulb vase on my thrift store rounds. It appears to be white glass and not porcelain. The floral decoration is very well done and has raised white dots and brushstroke "highlights" in the paint. There is no maker mark or any label. -Mike-

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 12 years ago
      I've finally got a positive ID for this little vase. It's 1800's Victorian hand painted "Bristol" or European either Bohemia or Belgium.I found pictures of almost this exact vase on a great site called (check it out). Good enough for me !Not terribly valuable but no matter. I had people on another forum tell me it was a "cheap" Japanese floral vase from the 60's. So much for their -Mike-
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Hi Mike! They tell you it's cheap Japanese stuff so that you will sell it to them for $5. Knowledge is Priceless!! I think that people on this site either know their stuff very well or will offer an educated guess so "CAVEAT EMPTOR". I really get a laugh from those "Storage Wars" people when they say that they can get a high price for the garbage they find. If they do, the buyers must be nitwits. RER (BOB) PS: I really like your Vase!
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 12 years ago
      I completely agree with you. I always refer to my finds as "lucky" but you learn a little bit each time you buy something. Then you at least have the ability to make an educated guess as to whether a piece is genuine or not. The"luck" comes from being in the right place at the right time and putting that knowledge to good use. Thanks -Mike-

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