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Neon Signs239 of 396Huge Antique Florsheim Shoes Neon Building SignParking garage sign..
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (6 items)

    I collect many of these neon clocks from the 1930's, 40's and 50's....also collect the large porcelain neon signs, point of purchase signs and other great old advertising........

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      Very nice ! Great post . Welcome to CW and we look forward to seeing more posts :-)
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Super fine examples!
    3. AzTom AzTom, 12 years ago
      That JD sign would sure look nice with my JD model collection,lol
    4. polarsheets polarsheets, 12 years ago
      thanks for the kind comments.!!!
    5. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Just have to ask.... Is the "Golden Rule"... He who has the gold, makes the rules?
    6., 12 years ago
      Really like the Harley clock! Made by Neon Products Lima, Ohio. Replacements of the green pointed boarder glass face is available...Sold mine , should have kept it. Open to any trades? Does it keep time? Does the neon work? Can give info on the glass 330-398-3800.

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