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Pocket Watches1052 of 1707mickey mouse wannabe pocket watchesToppie (Promotion For Top Value) Pocket Watch
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (14 items)

    Here are a few time pieces ive gathered over the last year or two. Just starting to really get into the time pieces so there will definately be more to come.

    Pocket Watches
    See all
    Antique Vintage Maritime Brass Victoria London1875 Pocket Watch with Leather Box
    Antique Vintage Maritime Brass Vict...
    Vintage Men Skeleton Hand-Winding Mechanical Pocket Watch Chain Silver Tone Case
    Vintage Men Skeleton Hand-Winding M...
    Vintage Nautical Brass Pocket Watch American Look Collectible Antique 2
    Vintage Nautical Brass Pocket Watch...
    L39 Rare Important DENT MINUTE REPE...
    Antique Vintage Maritime Brass Victoria London1875 Pocket Watch with Leather Box
    Antique Vintage Maritime Brass Vict...
    See all


    1. mickey133 mickey133, 12 years ago
      Yeah i will have to do that.
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Great display, Love it. If you recheck on the Mickey lapel watch I've got posted, I left you a comment about your clone piece. If you post it seperately, I might be able to correct the problem after looking at what you've got.
    3. mickey133 mickey133, 12 years ago
      When i get home i will post a picture of the lapel watch. Its the wrong everything. The case isnt right either.
    4. mickey133 mickey133, 12 years ago
      Kerry, looking at my pictures here, I do have another question for you.. on the last picture here, very first pocket watch in the front. i will post close ups of it tonight. Wondering if you can tell me anything about it.
    5. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      The case is pretty common style, it's probably a Colibri quartz, but will have to see the dial, they're a pretty nice collectable and fetch a fair price, these would date somewhere in the mid to late 80's if it's what I think it is, and if a Verichron Musical style it would be in the 1990's. but when you post it tonight, I'll fill in the blanks.

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