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"Waterfront" 1968 by Frans Van Lamsweerde / Print on Canvas 33" x 41" / Oil ??

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Paintings2263 of 2393Oil Painting of Bengal Tiger in The River done by Reiko  "Abstract" oil on canvas / Signed "Coleman"
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I rescued this from the "Salvation Army Store" The lady told me it had been hanging on the store's wall since she started working there 8 years ago. I asked her if it was for sale and she had to check with the manager. She said yes because they wanted to clear their walls. I said how much and she said 99. I thought $99.00 forget it !! The clerk said 99 ?? and the manager said "yes 99 cents, get rid of it " ! Motioning out the I said it's going home with me ! They probably would have thrown it out anyway. It comes from the Bonfoey Gallery here in Cleveland which is still in business. They framed it in 1978 but the print is dated 1968. A year before the artist died. He worked for Disney, Golden Books as an illustrator, and was a comic book artist. The sad thing is unless this is an unknown version of this painting in greens, it has faded badly. All the bright oranges, yellows and blues are faded to shades of mostly blue/ green, pale yellows and white. Don't know what to make of this. There were some water stains on the linen inserts in the frame. I managed to lighten them up a bit with peroxide. A small dent in the canvas as well. I've seen a paper print on Ebay and it's really colorful and not monochromatic like this one. It's heavily varnished and seems to have the right textures but it would have to be very thinly painted to be an oil and that wouldn't fade. Any opinions are welcome . Oh well...99 cents is still a great deal on a 60's retro painting,real or not. - Mike -

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 12 years ago
      Still wondering if this is an oil painting or a print on canvas. I e-mailed one of the appraisers at Bonfoey's to see if they could ID it for me since it came from there. So far it's been a week and I haven't heard back yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. -Mike-
    2. Lhani, 10 years ago
      That is really faded! The original is beautiful! My father is Frans van Lamsweerde
    3. polarmanatc, 10 years ago
      Hey Lahni. I have what I think is an original Frans Van Lamsweerde called Port O Call. Any chance you would know about that painting?
    4. MeliG MeliG, 10 years ago
      Faded or not it is still fantastic!
    5. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks so much MeliG :)
    6. MeliG MeliG, 10 years ago
      My pleasure mikelv85.
    7. Fransfan, 9 years ago
      I have had 6 Frans Van Lamsweerde prints on canvas for 40 years. Lahni, I admire your father's style so much and would love to find an original tropical painting of his to buy.
    8. rideforever, 9 years ago
      I have one as well, I posted it here :
    9. Simonesnewyorkstores, 9 years ago
      I love your dad's works. I own the one with a vase with a bird on top, an armor helmet, a manikin with no arms and beautiful pillars . Maybe you could tell me a little about it. Simone
    10. sevenfeathers, 9 years ago
      hi, i have the exact same painting here in my home dublin ireland i have never had it our of the frame but i will take a photo and try put it online it is a lot more vivid than your one i dont know if it is the original or a print but it must have been purchased,brought back to dublin city Ireland as it was framed on a very famous street here called grafton street by a very prolific famed company that do not exist on that street anymore i must look them up i have seen the print one on ebay but nowhere does it say it was printed by anyone i would love to know how it was painted it looks like a palet knife in places and brushed oils in others it is really beautiful very big too i must measure it i am trying to find out where the original is mikelv85 i was wondering if lhani could shed some light on it too as i honestly love it if you could tell me anything more about the painting i would be very grateful thanking you kindly tina
    11. sevenfeathers, 9 years ago
      the light is not great now but i will take a photo and try download it onto this site to let you all see it as the colours in mine as his child above said are really vivid not a bit like the one above as colour wise the same painting but at the boats,houses on the left of the painting lovely oranges ,blues,reds,yellows all sorts of colours and the middle yellow/green colour the frame it is in would have cost a lot of money as the frame shop was/is a very expensive shop to have any paintin g framed i would love to know where the original is like i said it has never been out of the frame it could be the real one for all i know my husband bought it for me about 12yrs ago where i dont know in dublin but i dont know where he bought it exactly so someone else owned it before it dwelled in my home it would be like winning a really big prize if it was real but even if it is a print i am a lucky girl to have such a magnificent painting by a brilliant artist and i always thought be the signature his name was hans van lambsweed hehe but i just googled that name 3/4 days ago and they can up with his proper name frans van lambsweerde when i seen his other works my lord they are beautiful such a gifted/talented man he truly was r.i.p. frans thanks for the beautiful painting i love it i will always treasure it and make sure it never leaves my family
    12. BeatifulArt BeatifulArt, 9 years ago
      I aquired a print on canvas from a private collection some years ago for free. I love his choices of color. Unfortunately the frame was broken during a move. So I backed the corners & pinned it to my wall so I could look at it. I get a sense of tranquility & wish I were there.
    13. Flath, 8 years ago
      Does anyone know about his painting "Port of Call", and if it was an important piece of his works. Has anyone seen prints made of this oil on canvas.
    14. Lhanivan, 8 years ago
      Oh my gosh! I haven't been on this site for so long! Sorry I haven't answered any of your questions! Ports o Call is one of my favorites. My dad did many ship-themed paintings. I have several originals hanging on my walls.
    15. Flath, 8 years ago
      I picked up Ports o call in the 80's at a garage sale. From the writing on the back and it's foreign Origin of the artist on the back it looks like an original. It's an oil. Does anyone know where the original is.
    16. Lhanivan, 8 years ago
      The original hung in our living room until 1986 when my brother selected it as one of his choices after our mother passed away. Sometime in 1990's his paintings were stolen from his apartment . We've never found them.
    17. Flath, 8 years ago
      Good evening, my name is Tim and I believe I have the original painting Port of Call. I've owned it for over two decades. As I recollect I purchased it in New England at a tag sale. Only recently did someone recognize the picture as a possible original from a famous artist which when I searched found how many other amazing paintings of such varied diversity and styles he created. I would appreciate any help you could offer to authenticate the painting as an original as I am retiring and downsizing my estate including selling most of my art. I could send photos of both sides of the painting and frame which has your fathers name date of picture "1967". And au port de relache hafenfantaasie Mel Porto de scalp en el puerto de arribada oil on canvas 26 x 38. 66 x96.5 cm private collection. Could you please call me or email me anytime your expertise would. be greatly appreciated. Phone # 860-656-8713.
    18. bjornthor, 6 years ago
      I have one that has been in the family for decades. It was my grandfathers then my mothers and now mine.
      Both my grandparents and mother where smokers so it shows on the painting and regrettably and the colors are faded.
      I'd like to have it restored or buy a print that is in better condition.
    19. bfreburg, 6 years ago
      let's face it, 99 cents is a great deal on a burrito, let alone a 1960's print like this! :)
    20. Kross Kross, 10 months ago
      My husband inherited this same painting from his mom. The story behind it was that they were neighbors with the artist. Supposedly, the artists son broke a window in my husbands home and Mr. Van Lamsweerde gave my father in law this painting and was told it was an original that would be worth something later on. We want to have it appraised, but haven’t had the chance to take it anywhere yet. We would love to get in touch with Lahni or her brother to see if there is anyone who remembers this incident, as it’s very interesting to our family.

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