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1795 $5 Gold Half Eagle

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (13 items)

    The 1795 $5 half eagle, along with the $10 eagle from that same year, was the first official gold coin produced by the United States. One thing I like about this coin is the year that it was minted. (I also have a 1795 silver half dollar that can be see at

    In 1795, most of the Founding Fathers of our country were still living, George Washington was President, and Philadelphia, where the coin was struck, was still the nation's capital.

    Since $5 would have represented a significant sum in 1795, it is probably fair to say only someone well off would probably be carrying one. So for all I know, this coin may have once been in the pocket of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.

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    1. ramma ramma, 15 years ago
      it looks like a high grade for this cointype, i would get it certified with PCGS, it could be worth a fortune
    2. AC_Dwyer AC_Dwyer, 15 years ago
      Thanks ramma. The coin has already been certified by NGC and is graded AU50.
    3. Lee Sayer, 14 years ago
      Interesting coin,excellant conition.Thanks for sharing with us.
    4. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      i have an 1803 one
    5. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      mines not gold not gold
    6. pennydime pennydime, 13 years ago
      Love it too! specially the date 1795, 1 c large date sold over a million $, 1895 1$ morgan is also valuable, I do have One UNIQUE two full dates obverse 1995 Doubled Denomination, A major dramatic super gem with 2 LIBERTY, 2 IN GOD WE TRUST,P Mintmark,VDB,skullbreak,A crackdie variety,ONE CENT,ONE DIME,United State of America,E plu,FG initial, 2 Lreat Leaders Images Abraham Lincoln & Frank Delano Roosevelt voted by Presidential Historian Society the top two among 41 Presidents served in oval office .(2000). 1795,1895,1995 all dates is a Key date.- April 14, 1865 on the evening of this day Abraham Lincoln shot at the back of his head by assasin name John Wilkes Booth.-On my coin obverse there is a skull break! 147 years anniversary death of Lincoln this year.
    7. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Why not post your Silver coin here for all to see?
    8. Poop Poop, 12 years ago
      Beautiful coin i love gold and silver, the most expensive coin i had was a 5$ gold liberty, cant remember the date but i purchased it for 450$ 500$ i wish i still had it!
    9. disneypoppop, 12 years ago
      Only one word to describe it "WOW"

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