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Gendron Pedal Car Station Wagon repro

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dppeddler's items10 of 10Original 1955 Murray "dipside" Championcast plaster panels
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (10 items)

    This is a reproduction Gendron Pedal Car licensed by Gendron Wheel Co. of Ohio produced in 2000 as a part of the "Pedal Car Classics" collection. It has working electric headlights, two-tone paint; green with cream hood, Gendron hood ordainment, pedal driven, with front fender. This is a big pedal car measuring approximately 44 inches long. I found this at an antique store in Chicago, IL. It's in mint condition and all the mechanics work. I haven't been able to find that much information on this particular pedal car although it somewhat resembles Gendron's famous Pioneer Roadster. If anyone knows anything about this pedal car PLEASE share any information you might know!

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    1. alexg alexg, 10 years ago
      urs is the wagon model btw
    2. Koalababe, 9 years ago
      I have just got my hands on this car #188 and would love any help you could give me to restore it as to where to go who would do the work I am missing my tail gate :( and need sand blasting and repainting re chroming .

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