Posted 14 years ago
(64 items)
Tasco 7800 binocular/camera combo uses 110 film and was the 1st of the series (7800,7900,8000,and Orinox). This particular model was manufactured from 1977 to 1981 and came standard with a burgundy imitation leather case. The 112mm lens has focusing from 10m to infinity and is coupled to the binocular lenses.The binoculars are rated at 7x20mm. The aperature adjust is on the barrel of the telephoto from f5.6 down to f22 with a single speed mechanical shutter at 1/125s. Due to the slow lens and long telephoto, taking photos were not very practical without the aid of a tripod (tripod mount is located on the right side) and a cable release. An accessory kit was avaliable with a table top tripod,a cable release, three 33mm filters (1A, Y48, ND2), lens hood, and a pair of eye cups. The oculars can be independently adjusted from -4 to +2 dioptres. Starting with the 7900 Model, Tasco added a second shutter speed 1/250s and offered three interchangeable lenses (70mm,100mm,150mm) which remained a standard and helped increase the practicality for the last two models (8000,Orinox) till production ended in 1983.
The concept of combining a pair of binoculars and a camera was not new and had been produced in the early 1950s by Binoca, Toko Cyclops, Teleca, and Cambinox(1956) which offered lenses in 35mm, 90mm, and 135mm. In 1971-75 Nichiryo Nicnon half frame format camera/binoculars used 35mm film. Then in 1977 this concept was implemented again with Tasco in 110 film, to name a few.