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Cannon or Gun? Antique Toy

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    This great old toy fires these shells. Barrel and shells are made of wood, the rest is metal. Is this a cannon or gun or rapid fire cannon or machine gun??? I am not sure what to call it or how old it might be. It's really cool though. 7" high including the wire holder and 5 3/4" long including the handle and barrel. Please voice your opinion. There was not an appropriate category to list this question in.

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    1. Picking-and-Collecting Picking-and-Collecting, 14 years ago
      Looks like a gattling gun. Do you crank the handle on the back to make it fire? How does it propel the shell, spring force? Very cool.
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Rapid fire toy cannon patented July 2 1918 by T.R. Arden
    3. Diggermom, 14 years ago
      To Picking - Hi - Yes, you crank the handle and either a spring or rubber band? I would guess spring, I think a rubber band would have dried up and broken by now. It is really fun!

      To ttomtucker. Wow, you are amazing and I appreciate your answer!

      Thanks a tun for your input to both of you!
    4. Diggermom, 14 years ago
      Any value estimate?
    5. James James, 14 years ago
      No wounder they came out with NURF. Those wood bullets had to be tuff on windows :-) Great toy.

    6. Vontrike Vontrike, 13 years ago
      I could shoot hot dogs to my Mother in law with this ! Seriously, this thing is really cool. Nice find !

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