Posted 12 years ago
(1002 items)
This cool whiskey glass is what is called a "Presidential Glass", meaning that that it can hold a lot of liquor....2 shots, or about 6Cl.
This item was produced by Federal Glass, and the features ACL graphics.
The Stuyvesant Hotel was a great hotel in Buffalo. It has been converted into Senior Citizens' apartments.
The two mixing glasses plugged their issuers....Heckman China, and Genessee Bar Supply, also of Buffalo. Sadly these businesses are no longer with us.
Thank you, Moonstonelover21! These nostalgic items are really nice....I still use them, but on special occasions.
Hi, walksoftly, thank you for the love!!!
Hello, gargoylecollector...thank you for the love....
Good afternoon, mustangtony...thanks for the love...
Good afternoon, vetraio50....thanks for the love!!!!!
Hey, Bellin68...thank you very much!!!
Thank you, Petey...I appreciate the love....