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can't find another one like this coke machine

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (2 items)

    This is a V-20-S coke machine
    I have search all over the net to find another for price comparison but have no luck. Can you tell me when it was made and it's its value today
    Thank you,T.Artis.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      It needs a wax job.
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Ahhh, the seldom seen Vendo 20! Please, because it's embossed, restore this back to its prior glory. It has its original cap catcher and everything, at least from what I can see. Great machine!
    3. tigerartis67, 12 years ago
      How much do you think I paid for this unit,and how much would you have paid for it?
    4. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      And I don't buy Coke vending machines period so, let me say,,,,you payed $250?
    5. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      Why do'nt you just tell us what ya paid instead of the guessing-game?
    6. RAD21289 RAD21289, 11 years ago
      $50 you probably paid and I would have paid $150.00. Also I have a Vendo 83 that looks alot like that? Im not expert in Coca Cola experts.
    7. galtxboi, 6 years ago
      I remember this machine. I was a little girl in Galveston, Texas in the mid to late 1950's. It was in our neighborhood grocery store (A.J.'s). I seem to recall that there may have been a metal lever inside the door that you pushed down, after putting your coin into the slot, and the coke would slide into a little hole so that you could pull it out. I loved going to that machine and getting my own Coke. I specifically remember when the price went from 5 cents to 6 cents. That has stuck in my mind all these years, and I occasionally think of that Coke machine. This is the only picture of one like it that I have ever seen.

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