Posted 12 years ago
(762 items)
Already a couple of years ago this ring was given by my son. It's not only precious to me because of that but also because this ring has a special form. Perhaps you see this best on the second photo. It's a kind of angular setting. And of course the 7 perfect brilliants. I hope you like it as I do?
vetrai050 thanks for your quick respons and loving
BELLIN68 thanks for your complment and loving
Mustangtony thanks for loving
You raised him well:)
Thanks nldionne I did my best and I may greatful so far to speak it a succes and that's quite good in these times.
Yes it is.
He is lucky: He got your taste. Lovely ring!
AmberRose thanks for your compliment and loving
freiheit what a nice remark, thanks!!!
antiquarius123 thanks again for loving
Newtimes thanks for loving
You are very welcome, Agram.m:) Brilliants are diamonds, am I correct? I think that's what my grandma used to call them.
Freiheit of course you are right brilliants are diamonds indeed. A brilliant is a diamond or other gemstone, cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to have exceptional brilliance. The shape resembles that of a cone and provides maximized light return through the top of the diamond. Modern diamonds are cut in brilliant form and in my language we call this brilliants. Diamonds with another diamond shape for example rose cut diamonds. So we make a difference in my language but because your comment I understand that in American/English the same name DIAMOND is always used?
Dear Agram.M, my first language is German and for that reason I am very often confused when it comes to special terms, especially when I really don't know much about the matter, like in this case. To confuse the matter even more, my grandmother used a tremendous amount of French words in her language (she was a very influential person in my early life).
You just gave me a crush-course in diamond cuts, and I greatly appreciate it. I also think that you are right that here most non-connoisseurs refer to all diamonds, regardless of the cut, as diamond.
Once again many thanks for helping me to understand the wonderful world of jewelry!
freiheit, thanks for your extensive commentary and thanks too for loving.
Vielen Dank für dein ausführlichen Kommentar. Es ist schön an einem Ort wie diesem, dass wir alle voneinander lernen und unser Schmuck bewundern können und auch Kommentare dazu haben können. Danke es ist schön dich hier so oft zu treffen.
Valentino and vetrai050 thanks for your interest and loving.
Ah, was für ein Überraschung! Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass die Antwort auf Deutsch kommt! Ja, es ist schon schön, dass man hier so viele Leute mit dem selben Hobby treffen kann. Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich für die vielen Hinweise bedanken. Ich habe erst vor kurzer Zeit angefangen, mich für Schmuck zu interessieren. Ich finde es faszinierend, hier die wunderbaren Schmuckstücke zu sehen und darüber zu lernen - ganz besonders von Agram.m, der Expertin!
Nochmals vielen Dank.