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Bohemian Orange-Black Tango liqueur set unsigned

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    This is the most beautiful Tango set I've ever had! Bohemian / Czechoslovakian Tango cordials, original bottle with a sweet, unusual stopper. (The cocktail glass in the third picture is just for comparing the sizes.) The cordials are 3.25" high, and the bottle with the stopper in place is 7" high. These glasses are cased, thin, and light weight. I have never seen like this before and unfortunately they are unsigned. Has anyone ever seen a set like this?

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    1. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      I'm glad you like them! :)))
    2. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 12 years ago
      Now that is an awesome set...
    3. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      what does the bottom look like. they're awesome but I don't think loetz.
    4. MacArt MacArt, 12 years ago
      wow this looks amazing! I've never seen tango pieces by Lauscha, but delicate work on these reminds me of them. I'm not confident but that is what I would guess.
    5. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Lovely !!
      Could be by many a Bohemian maker
      see this
    6. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the comments, I am happy you like this set! :) Actually I purchased it many years ago at eBay as "Bimini Tango", but I have never seen Tango from Bimini Werkstatte. I just found on the net a Bimini Mermaid bottle, which has the same blown stopper as mine (without the mermaid of course :)) ) Please take a look at I do not even know, if this set in the link is original, or not. I absolutely don't know Bimini glass.
      I will make a photo collage about the details of my set. May be someone out there will know, what I have.
    7. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Yeah that's a heck of a set, kind of thing you see on the first page of eBay's Highest Prices First under "Bohemian tango." Where did the martini glass in #3 come from? Are there more pieces to this set?
    8. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      Yes I have a small collection of Tango barware and a set of pink Tango sherbets, you can see them here:
      The all came from eBay, many-many years ago. A few of the cocktail glasses are marked with circular acid etched mark: "Made in Czechoslovakia" and the Rockwell shield for the sterling decoration.
    9. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      I found something online which is similar in design and decor, and it is listed as Bimini as well. That's pretty good evidence for Bimini being the manufacturer.

      Just above halfway down
    10. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      Well yes. Pictures about these vases are convincing. My set is definitely Bimini. Thank you for your great help! :)
    11. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      stunning darling:)!!!
    12. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      Thank you! This set is one of my favorite. Delicate and playful. :)
    13. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      I would say so Tatu379:) and your very welcome darling:)
    14. Nouveaudeco Nouveaudeco, 9 years ago
      Groovy set

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