Posted 12 years ago
(7 items)
Hello guys I was in need of a little information. I have this french cornet that appears to be 19th century. It's not in the best of shape, however I was wondering if these Cornets are still sought after and what could be the estimated value range.
Here is a little info that is imprinted on the Cornet. The bell is marked: Medaille Londres 1862 Exposition Universelle Paris 1867 Medaille DHonneur en Argent Antoine Courtois & Mille Facteur du Conservatoire National 88 rue Des Marais St. Martin Paris 1lr Prix Grande Medaille DOr Exposition de Moscou 1872 & Medaille DOr Paris 1878 S. Arthur Chappell Sole Agent 52 New Bond Street London J. Howard Foote Sole U.S. Agent New York & Chicago.
You're right it's lat 19th century. Courtois still make brass instruments. These Courtois cornets do come up now and then on Ebay etc. I have had one like this one, the Lewy's Model. A similar model was designed by Arban, a virtuos and author of schoolbook for cornet players still in print. They usually go for round 100-300 Euro depending on shape of course. Often the valves are too leaky to be a good player and would cost more than what it's worth to have them restored. Beautiful though, amazing how the shape and different wraps have altered during these hundred years; today they look almost identical again as hundred years ago. Courtois knew!