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Fostoria (W. VA.) "Impressions" Art Glass Vase

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GlueChip's loves663 of 1289Quezal Jack in the Pulpit, signed and perfectDurand Coil Vase c. 1925
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (664 items)

    The only true free blown art glass made by the Fostoria Glass Co. of W. VA. (to my knowledge). Made for two years only 1977-1978 during the Art Nouveau/ Art Deco Revival in the USA. Pieces originally sold in the $300-400 range so production was limited. Clear glass with multi-color inclusions. Signed on the bottom Fostoria 77.

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    1. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      Forgot to mention : This company should not be confused with the Fostoria Glass Specialty Co. of Ohio that made IRIS ware art glass from 1910-1914.
    2. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68
    3. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      JayHow & ks85 : 5 inches high. Photo of signature on bottom added.
    4. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 12 years ago
      This is very interesting. I didn't realize that Fostoria produced a free blown line. Thanks for the pics and history of this unique art glass.
    5. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      LD : You and me too. I had no idea Fostoria W.V. made hand blown art glass until I cam across this piece. It's a bit modern for me but unusual.
    6. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      This is the best example of this line I have seen.
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      I came across a large vase that was signed on the bottom fostoria78 so I was pleased to discover one in CW today and to find out it had a limited production. RER(Bob)

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