Posted 12 years ago
(728 items)
Hello this is 2 inches tall on wood base 1 1/2 egg by itself, I think it is jade? beautifully hand painted!! From Goodwill! I like it! My son is 1/2 Japanese, will keep for him! I think it is old as wood base appears old! Any information appreciated!! Don
Sorry no information but I truly do love your egg. It was meant to be.
Look at the garden scene, picture 2, similar?
A little but still kind of different!
Yes is different, but similar elements, Asian Pagoda & bridge.
Cute indeed. Don't think that it is that old though. If it was a quality piece of nephrite jade, I highly doubt one will paint on it without much skills. Wood base changes all the time, cannot really tell the age simply by judging the base. All these factors lead to the likelihood of it being more like a touristy piece.
Bought this with Jungin sterling box, on my next post, same person donated both of these items, maybe could be old! Other is at least 1912 or older! Dave check out the snuff (I think) boxes!