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Educator Cape Cod Cookies - Balto Enamel & Nov.

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    I own a The Cape Cod Cookie Company. We're a small mom & pop and our dream has been to own our own little shop on Main St in Hyannis. Last year at one of the farmers markets that we attend, a customer came running up to us and said, "Omg! There is a sign down the road at the antique store on the corner that says, 'Cape Cod Cookies'! You have to check this out!"

    Needless to say I ran down to the corner of the street and couldn't believe this sign was there. It says, "A New Taste Thrill With a Glass of Milk. Educator Cape Cod Cookies. 48 for 25 Cents" It was perfect. But the guy wanted $450 for it and it just wasn't in our budget - we HAD no budget! I had posted on Facebook about the sign, a photo and the fact that I couldn't let someone else get their hands on this sign!

    A week later my brother came for a visit. I came home from a farmers market and there it was, sitting in my back yard! He drove 7 hours to come up for the weekend and get that sign so I could hang it on my wall the day we opened our new store! Well, our dreams came true and we opened our little shop this week!

    Down to business: I've googled information on "Educator Cookies" And there was a cookie and cracker company that looks like it folded in the early 80's but had been around since the turn of the century. Also it IS labeled at the bottom right hand corner, "Balto Enamel & Nov Co." But there are no dates. I know that many companies and recipes call anything with cranberries in it "Cape Cod". So this company probably had a cranberry cookie that it called Cape Cod Cookies. All I'm truly trying to figure out is an approximate date on the sign that I can put on a small placard near the sign, as many people have asked if its a replica. Or, who can I speak to to try and get further information on this sign? :D

    I should add the sign is in very good condition. It's very heavy and we've mounted it to a frame using the same holes it had from before that luckily weren't rusted through yet. It looks stunning up on the wall. We're so excited about it!

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    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 12 years ago
      What an awesome sign and generous gift from your brother! You are indeed lucky and hopefully this will lead to much success with your business! Next time I'm in Hyannis, I'll stop by your shop, I can't resist cookies!
    2. johost, 7 years ago
      Johnson Educator Crackers was sold to McGowan Educator and untimately (I am told Nabisco) the last surviving crackers were Beer Chaser. I an the gg-gson of the founder, my grandmother ran the company well into the 30s. This is the first reference I have seen to a Cape Cod Cookie but it would be consistent with the Mass origins of the company. You may see some of the history here, just posted by a 3rd party -

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