Posted 12 years ago
(638 items)
This is strange! I bought this cigar box full of Postage stamps Yesterday and looked at a few last night. This morning I opened up my cigar box to look at some more and the first one I pull out was from June 19 1935. Strange enough that today is June 19 but also today is my Birthday !! Meant to be I guess. (:-D) (:-D)
It was meant for you!
A Gemini! It my Mum's 90th birthday today the twentieth here in Oz. happy Birthdays all around!
Thank You Scott !!
Thank You vetraio50 !! And Happy Birthday to Your mom Also !!
A surprise on your birthday nothing better than that!
Thank You Phil !!
Thank You walksoftly !!
Many happy returns!
Thank You nldionne !!
Happy Birthday Musik !!!!!!!!!!!! I am singing it to you :-)
Hey Happy B-Day, hope your day is filled with joy and love
Thank You Mani --- I can hear it !!! (:-D)