Posted 12 years ago
(1 item)
I found this while restoring a warehouse in East Vancouver. Not sure really when its from but i looked up the Overland and they started making them in 1902 and stopped in 1929, so it must be pretty old. Any help on how i should restore and clean this? Or should i even bother? It has some tar on the front and is very dirty, any help would be fantastic! Thanks
Kerosene, diesel or turpentine on a rag will take the tar off & may actually revive the paint.
Wow thanks so much! I'll definitely give that a try
Let the solvent dissolve the tar instead of scrubbing. Just take your time wiping.
Is it painted or porcelain?Looks to me like it is porcelain,if so ,After you get the tar off wash with "COMET"(this is a powder)but keep it wet!!!!If it is painted I would only wash with "DAWN"dish soap.Thanks for posting!
You could try "Goo Gone" on a rag, just on the tar. Then hit it with the Comet. OR just send it to me and I'll take great care of it, lol. Great sign!!!
OH NO, tommy that wouldn't go with your Coke stuff very well!!!!!!!;)
Thanks everyone! ill probably try the goo b gone for the tar and comet for all the dirt and grime haha i think ill keep this one thanks Tommy :)
Well ok... but just remember scrub LIGHTLY with the Comet. You can also use ultra-fine steel wool with it. I scrubbed my Texaco sign 4 times to clean it up. It is porcelain, right? gargoyle, don't forget Coke adds life to everything, even cars, lol