Posted 12 years ago
(137 items)
I bought this beautiful vessel at an estate sale. Was trying to figure out what it is and if it is Native American made. It has a markers mark on the bottom. Looks to me like 3 mountains with a cross on each. Could someone help me out here?
Why do you lean toward Native American?
Well I kind of doubt it the more I think about it. I believe it's probably more Southwestern. I bought several articles form an estate with other things mixed in. I'm leaning more now this vessel maybe is from New Mexico. I could be totally wrong and it being from China, lol.
This is contemporary classroom or studio pottery, made from commercial stoneware clay, thrown and trimmed on a potter's wheel, glazed, and fired in a gas kiln...none of which is true of Native American pottery. It's unlikely the potter can be identified.
The way the "signature" is scratched or incised into the clay makes it more likely to be a pottery class project, rather than studio pottery, since an accomplished professional potter wouldn't sign it that way.