Posted 12 years ago
(217 items)
Got these the other day, they are very, very heavy and have some age. The lady knew a little about them (except that they were solid silver ;D), her aunt travelled around South America and Ecuador and she thought these came from there. The quetzal bird is a hint too. I believe they are some sort of religious items, from an altar or something. Do these look familiar to anyone? Are they some sort of Catholic thing?
Thanks buddy
I think they can be very antiques "Mates", made of high quality of silver.
Are called "Mates Isabelinos", used in old times in South America specially in Argentina, Uruguay, part of Brasil, Paraguay to sip a hot infussion as a tea made with "Yerba Mate".
I dont belive that they be religious items.
With all my respect, saludos.,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNFQ08rUxZOQm0MZa3cKVI0845mrNg&ust=1410565038672674