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Linda Lee Cosmetics

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Catalogs124 of 140gold&diamond& enamel braclets by G.Maubossin 1924. Pearl tassel magnificent.More from the 1917 Sears, Roebuck and Co catalog
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (13 items)

    This Old Binder was found in an attic and is in great condition. I have done extensive research and am coming up at a dead end. I know Linda Lee Cosmetics falls under The "Pikin, Inc" in Newark, NY, and that's all I have found out. This is a detailed binder with directions on how to be a "Director" for the product and how to recruite, sells, etc. There is a paycheck in the book as a reference as to how much one can make in a week, brochures, there are group photos, and includes 11 chapters on how to sell, recruite, pick the right people to hire, etc. It reminds me of "Mary Kay" cosmetics. I cannot find a date in the book anywear. Does anyone have any information on Linda Lee cosmetics? Is the book of any value or just somthing neet to look at? Thanks !

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    1. Kim, 14 years ago
      I just came across a certificate issued to my mother while going thru old photos and papers after the death of my parents.

      This certificate "certifies" my mother as a Linda Lee Cosmetics Beauty Show Director. Ok...who knew!! Went to research, haven't heard of this company, and found your inquiry.

      All I can add is that my parents lived in Portland Oregon in the 50's and it seems this company might have been from Oregon.

      I also am interested in any information regarding Linda Lee Cosmetics!
      Thanks much
      Indpls, IN
    2. clelia, 14 years ago
      Ihave a set of makeup by Linda Lee some unopened the bottom of box says distributed by Pitkin, Inc. Newwark, N.Y.
    3. John, 14 years ago
      Linda Lee was a trademark of the J.M. Pitkin Co. one of the many direct selling arms of C.H. Stuart & Co. of Newark, New York upstate near Rochester.
      James M. Pitkin started as an office boy at the C.W. Stuart Nursery (original company started in 1852.) He eventually became an executive of the company and had his own division. Pitkin products included household items, and cosmetics. Jim Pitkin died in 1942, so Linda Lee probably predated that.
      The parent company C.H. Stuart went on to greater things and established Sarah Coventry Jewelry Div. in 1949.
    4. Linda Lee, 13 years ago
      Was trying to find info on this also , as you can see my name is Linda Lee, mom named me after this company. Because, her and d ad only had boys names picked out!! Mom told the story, after she woke up she asked dad what they had, dad said " Well they said it was a girl ! You think they got the babies mixed up?"
      So its been fun looking this up. Thanks for reading., Linda Lee
    5. RustyGilmore RustyGilmore, 10 years ago
      I found a Copper Linda Lee Lipstick cover with the Linda Lee Signature and Logo. It has been smashed and I found it with my metal detector; I thought it was pretty cool ! Wish I could date it!

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