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Real photos of two streamlined steam engines in my collection...

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Recent Activity144 of 178Railroad Transportation Teachers KitALCO builder's Cards for the UPRR's Engines 825 & 3902
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (36 items)

    These three photos were sent to me by Mr. Wolgang Bauer after he saw the same engines in my train collection. You will find the red locomotive in my "O" guage collection. The black one is featured in my "HO" collection and you will see several examples of it. These photos were taken in 1935. Mr. Wolgang is someone I can depend on for exact information as he is an expert in this field. His knowledge is not only with toy trains or historical facts, it includes a wide variety of collectibles of all sorts. Mr Bauer enjoys setting up his "O" guage train sets in malls in Germany where children everywhere can enjoy them. He has placed many a smile on children's faces with his trains, accessories and villages. I thank him for his assistance providing me with details I did not have before with regards to several collectibles I have posted on Collectors Weekly.

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    1. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Great Collection, Great Pictures, Equally Great is your giving a nod if you will to
      Mr. Bauer.
      Thanks for sharing
    2. renoir911 renoir911, 14 years ago
      Thank you.

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