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Marantz 4140 Quadraphonic Amplifier

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Amplifiers15 of 21Victor Animatograph Projector Speaker - My new project!AMPLIFIER 12 TRANSISTORES IN HARD METAL FRAME,WORKING,AS 200
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (197 items)

    Here is one of my better units in my collection, it's the Marantz 4140. They were made from 1973 until 1977, and the Marantz dealer MSRP was $549.95 in 1975. It pushes a true and clean 25 watts x 4 channels, or 70 watts x 2 channels. The power bandwidth is from 7hz to 70 khz, and only has an IM (Intermodulation Distortion) and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of 0.5%.

    They don't make them like use to, that's for sure.

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    1. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thank you for the loves Kerry and Tony
    2. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love Lee
    3. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the like Vintage-Joe
    4. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Quadraphonic!! Wow, that's a blast from the past! How's it sound??
    5. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love toolate2, this is just the amp I supplement power to a Marantz 4240 receiver and use 4 Acoustic Research AR-2A speakers that sound amazing, but you have to use hard to find quadraphonic LP's in order to get the Quad sound. At he moment all my units are in the attic wrapped in plastic because I have been doing a lot of sanding and don't wan't to dirty the boards.
      Thanks again, hope to post complete and permanent set-ups soon.
    6. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love Mani : )
    7. Vintage_Joe Vintage_Joe, 9 years ago
      Great amp. I bet when you play this one, you believe story's that Elvis is alive.

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