Posted 12 years ago
(728 items)
Hello, Well maybe they are Korean, but see 4th photo, Brought back from Vietnam War? They are about 16 inches tall and canes are nice and removable with nice carved hands to slip canes through! Did not see any outfits like these men when I was in Vietnam, but I was in jungle fighting and never really went to any towns. Any help appreciated, maybe he went on R & R rest and relaxation, to Korea? I do not know, I never got an R & R. when I was there. Anybody know Jim Nieman?? Thanks for looking Don
Guy on left is wearing a traditional Korean Gat hat.
The one on the right drank too much Ju & is wearing a lampshade :-)
Thanks!! They are Korean! He probably took R & R there! It does look like a lampshade!
I love these
Thank you, I have a lot of Asian but not many from Korea!