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Vintage carved Chinese Jade necklace

In Asian > Chinese Jewelry > Show & Tell and Fine Jewelry > Jade Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Chinese Jewelry138 of 173Chinese vermeil enameled Jade ringVintage Chinese Jade Pendant Carved Dragon
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (24 items)

    One day my mom showed me her jewelry just to show what she does , out of all the jewelry I wanted desperately was the Chinese carved Jade . mom (Moonstonelover21) new I wanted it and surprisingly she gave it to me .

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    1. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Mom how's my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;]]]]]]]
    2. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Great !!!!!
    3. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Thanks mom
    4. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Thank you MattyG
    5. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      You are lucky to have such a generous mother, it's a nice looking piece msjr.
    6. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Well aren't you the cutest of the cutest. If you have a good idea for a kitten name, tell nldionne, she is looking for good name ideas.
    7. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Ok I can think of names for the kitten ;]]]]]]
    8. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      And I will tell my mom what you said MattyG
    9. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Nldionne just responded to you that she does need kitty names. Take a look!
    10. vintagejewel vintagejewel, 12 years ago
      Aww this is so Sweet, Thanks for posting and glad to have you on CW !
    11. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 12 years ago
      Aww. So sweet...
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Beautifully carved!
      One of the Jixiang ba bao or Ashtamangala: the Mystic Knot represents connectedness! Eternal Love! Samsara!

    13. davezquanw davezquanw, 12 years ago
      A lot more to learn about Chinese Jade. This standard of carving is only worth something to the ill informed. Definitely NOT the highly prized jadeite or nephrite.
    14. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      davezquanw, AGAIN, please leave your comments to yourself. Thank you!
    15. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Thank you walksoftly .
    16. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Thank you for loving my Jade necklace Sean68!!!:)))
    17. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 12 years ago
      Thank you Gargoyle for loving my Jade necklace!!!!!!!!!!!
    18. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      *°·`*~~ SEASON'S GREETINGS - MSL JR!~~*`.°*

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