Posted 12 years ago
(79 items)
Fitting in with my desire to chose unusual and bizarre Loetz pieces is this 8-1/2" PG 1/4 sprinkler vase. And, I have included this 3" piece of the same Genre because it is such a cutie. 1(2001) 2(2000)
Outstanding! This PG (1/4) is tops on my list. Thanks for sharing.
EVERY time I open one of your pages I get dizzy...and then I want to go and tip over my display case!
The interesting thing about PG 1/4 is the basic decoration (without the drips) is the same as PG 85/3780 of which I have an example posted on CW.
Another interesting point: The vase pictured in plate #117 on page #139 in Ricke book I has the designation of PG 1/4, whereas, a very similar piece pictured in plate #86 0n page #73 in Neuwirth 1905-1918 is designated as PG 1/11. 'Splain that to me Lucy!
I think the numbers mentioned in Neuwirth are Production numbers.
WOW....I feel like I need to make more $$$$ to find one of these!!! Thanks for sharing!!
LoetzDance- Of course you are right. Why didn't I think of that?