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Original Brush "King of Wizards" Stone Lithograph Poster

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PostCardColl…'s loves1170 of 1390Family photos from around 1920Thing that make You go Hmmm. Painting on Black Velvet
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (110 items)

    This is an original Brush "King of Wizards" stone lithograph from my private collection of Magic posters. It is a half sheet measuring approximately 21" x 28" and was printed by Goes Litho co. out of Chicago circa. 1920

    This rare Brush poster is my favorite of all his posters and I have had this poster professionally linen backed and restored to excellent condition. This is a fantastic example of stone lithography and a classic poster image from the Golden Age of Magic. One of my favorites for sure!

    Edwin H. Brush (March 21, 1873 - March 14, 1967) performed with the Chautauqua and Lyceum circuit as Brush the Great. Brush was born in Township of Bonus, in the state of Illinois, listed in "Who's who in the lyceum" as performing Oriental tricks, ventriloquism and eccentric comedy, his first Lyceum season was in 1902. Brush continued to put on shows in the San Francisco Bay area up to the time of his death at the age of 93. He was a member for the I.B.M. and had a son Edwin Brush. Jr.

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    1. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Another great poster Z, your collection is unique. I can't recall seeing any other type posters that have that specific look, style, or coloring that your magic posters have. I have been hunting and admiring treasures for years, but never came across any of these in my travels.
    2. zguy2112 zguy2112, 12 years ago
      Hey buddy, thanks. And thank you for your compliments on my entire collection, it is much appreciated. I love your posters as well, looks like you added some real gems to your collection!

      I search long and hard for original Magic posters and am very selective of which posters I add to my collection. Most are stone lithographs, stone lithography is a lost art form resulting in the bright and vibrant colors you speak of. Stone lithography created rich colors and details that are unparalleled to any other printing method and still hold strong today. Not all posters are bright and colorful when I find them, some are in poor condition due to age and improper storage or preservation. However I choose to linen back, preserve, and usually restore the posters before I add them to my collection. When a poster is professionally linen backed and/or restored by a professional, the original colors will usually come back resulting in the Beautiful image that it once was the day it was printed from the stones. I am glad you can appreciate the craftsmanship of these posters.

      None of my posters are for sale, however if you are seeking some specific Magic posters for your collection, let me know as I have a community of Magic poster collectors in my circle of friends and might be able to find what you are looking for. Stay in touch and keep collecting those concert posters, they are true gems that will only increase in value over time!
    3. SpunkysMom SpunkysMom, 12 years ago
      I'm jealous! What a great collection you have!
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      These are great!!!!
    5. zguy2112 zguy2112, 12 years ago
      Thanks again SpunkysMom and SEAN68, no need to be jealous if you appreciate them, they are here for all to see and appreciate. Most of these posters I rescued and restored from barn yard find and other collectors that either wanted to part with them or didn't want to invest in the restoration. I search far and wide for these original posters and it gives me great pleasure when my findings are successful.
    6. Circusposters Circusposters, 10 years ago
      Outstanding restoration work Zguy. So pleased to see the "before" and "after" versions.
    7. zguy2112 zguy2112, 10 years ago
      Thanks again circusposters, this is a GREAT poster! Glad you appreciate it.
    8. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
    9. zguy2112 zguy2112, 10 years ago
      Thank you PostCardCollector, much appreciated.

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