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celadon jade foo dog tripod censor

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (76 items)

    hi cw...take a look at my latest find! lol...I love it and can't believe how lucky I's a celadon jade foo dog incense burner or rather three legged incense burner...those that are familiar with me know how much I love celadon and I still can't believe I found first I thought it was a dragon incense burner but as I kept looking at it I soon realized it was a foo measures around 5.5 inches and comes in two pieces...I don't know much about this item and I am looking forward to finding more information about it...thank you for looking and I welcome any comments or info regarding my celadon jade incense this site!

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Don't thank us. We thank you for sharing. Beautiful pieces! The colour is unusual for jade but nice.
    2. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      What a score!!!! Congrats!!! Where did you find this?
    3. jrfm410, 12 years ago
      I found it at a thrift store and I wasn't sure what it was but those are usually my favorite finds so I bought it...I was very happy and surprised when I got home and was able to take a better look at it...I have seen this color before and thought it was called celadon but now I am not so sure...I will have to look on the internet and see if I can find one is not signed so for now I am not really sure until I find more info...thank you for your kind comments and I will update when I know this site :)
    4. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Very cool!!! I love to see a great piece here on CW!!
    5. nldionne nldionne, 12 years ago
    6. jrfm410, 12 years ago
      at the moment it is unknown if the item is Chinese or middle eastern...either way I love it! it is very foreign to my area and country so any helpful comments or info would be greatly this site!
    7. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 12 years ago
      Beautiful!! I found one that looks like that this weekend I have to post when i find my camera
    8. turtlezman turtlezman, 11 years ago
      looks like a dragon to me... How much did you pay?
    9. shrine shrine, 11 years ago
      Still a dragon on the top, noticed the horns.
    10. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Nice censer. I guess the smoke would come out its nostrils. Cool

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