Posted 12 years ago
(32 items)
I went to the 39th Annual Coca-Cola Collectors Club Convention last week and was able to add 3 more free drink coupons to my collection. The top one is pre-1900 and the other to are 1905. The two 1905's are slightly different. The middle one has a blank space at the bottom possibly for a store owner to put his name. All are in excellent condition.
Sweet coupons!
Ray, I bought them at the swap meet so I didn't catch the sellers name. He was with Fred Dobbs if that helps.
I could try to redeem them but then I could have bought about 60 twelve packs with what I payed for them!
Beauties! That first one isn't easy to find. The other two have been cut from a 1905 trade card depicting Lillian Nordica, larger cousin to the 1905 magazine coupon-ad? You'd think there would be scads of these out there, considering how many were printed over the years. But standard practice must have been to destroy them upon redemption. Scarce. Great snags.
I clicked 4 times on "LOVE" but it only registered 1!
Great picks for sure !!! I would gladly honor those if you care to redeem them, I have plenty of Coke in the fridge. Heck, I'd even give you two glasses per coupon!
Great pickups!