Posted 12 years ago
(1 item)
The spoon is the same link as an current ink pen it has markings on it that says 925 over 1000 a hallmark i cant make out even with a magnifying glass kind of looks like a G with something in it or a mouth with something in it then the word sterling...
Basically trying to figure out age
I cannot make out the markings on the spoon, you can try this site for reference.
I have the exact same spoon I think it says 925 over 1000 and the word 'Sterling"
It was in my mother's belongings and she passed away 46 years ago.
It is Towle's pattern Old case any one is still search of an answer.
Looks like Gorham mark 1863-90 ..
1st pic read the same way up as the 925 mark .. ;-)