Posted 12 years ago
(306 items)
I bought this silver ring some weeks ago in a flea market for a few bucks. It was totally black and dirty and you could hardly see anything other than the turqoise and garnet. I couldn't even make out the material it was, so I thought it could be steel or some other non precious metal. Normally I dont clean my jewelry but this time I did clean it a bit and I'm glad I did.
Its a 800 stamped silver ring with a garnet and tiny turqoise. I believe its late Victorian. It has a beautifull machine stamped star pattern on the shaft.
You find a lot of these type of rings in gold but this is the first silver one I have ever seen.
Its much to big for me, but I think it would be a shame to make it smaller.
What do you think? And do you agree with it being late victorian?
Thanks a lot!
Oh wow bratjdd you are faster than my shadow! Thanks a lot for loving my ring
It's late Victorian but let me think of Austrian Hungarian, beautiful ring!
Thanks Agram for your comment and thanks Moonstonelover, vetraio50 and vintagejewel for loving my ring
Thanks everyone for loving my ring!