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Baillie Clipper Ship Oil on Canvas

All items177626 of 245832Rare Large Eduard Stellmacher Amphora Bat GirlGold Ring with Garnets
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (197 items)

    Another nice painting in my collection is this Baillie fine oil on canvas of a clipper ship at sea. I won it at our local fall consignment auction down the road in a in a wooden crate full of goodies I put together from a lot the size of a parking space. I posted the photo last year on my flatbed truck that had the trophies, wheels, sniper scope etc. seen here,
    I filled the wooden crate with 3 different sized Chantilly brass hanging scales, this painting and a few other good items from the large lot. The auctioneer walked through the lot selling of individual items and lots, and when he came to the large one he asked if anyone wants anything specific from it, so I said I wanted the wooden crate full of junk and ended up winning it for $3, and like this painting enough to display in my home. I don't know much about the artist so I shared my story of how I won it and to say I really like it.
    Thanks for looking : ) and I guess Folk Art with no other choices for paintings.


    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      I love this picture!!!
    2. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thank you very much Lee, the auctions make up for bad GW's around here. xoxo
    3. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thank you very much tony and bratjdd
    4. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thank you Sean
    5. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Thank for the love walksoftly

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