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Cup and Saucer: Trimont China, Hand Painted, Made in Occupied Japan

In China and Dinnerware > Show & Tell.
China and Dinnerware4577 of 6212Cup and Saucer - Royal Bayreuth, Germany, US ZoneCup and Saucer:  Kent
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This one cought my eye because of the beautiful colours. It has been used but is in very good condition for its age. I believe, based on the reference to "Occupied Japan" it was made somewhen in the late 1940's or very early 50's.

    Can't wait to have tea!

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Very elegant!!!!
    2. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot, Moonstonelover21. It actually looks a lot better in reality. My husband gave me a hard time over this one because I usually only collect German china. Then I saw some English cups I really liked and the prices were next to nothing, so he was OK with it. When I saw this one, it took some convincing but I think I was worth it:)
    3. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot, mustangtony and SEAN68:)
    4. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot, musikchoo, bratjdd, and Manikin:)
    5. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      What a stunning cup & saucer good taste.
    6. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot, Zowie:)
    7. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      My pleasure it is beautiful
    8. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot, maryh1956, petey and DrFluffy:)
    9. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      Hi freiheit how is things I have been more off then on line this week but lets see what happens. I'm sure all the post I'm looking at have been seen before. I will keep looking & see what I find.
    10. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Zowie, thanks for your message. I will be away for a week starting tomorrow. I found a nice little ring yesterday but I guess I will post it when I come back. In the meantime, enjoy CW and stay safe:)
    11. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      I will enjoy I spend most of the night on here as for staying safe that I will I have lost out to much & worked to hard not to be now.
    12. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      I meant to say also have a great trip may you find all you want. If we have the Wright weather today maybe we will have some new postings from recent & not so recent items.
    13. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Wow, your collection is fantastic!!
    14. freiheit freiheit, 11 years ago
      Thanks so much, Aimathena! You are very kind.

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