Posted 12 years ago
(3 items)
I picked this clip up at a flea market, and was wondering if someone could help me identify and date it. It is marked...however, I can't make out what it says. The only thing that is legible is the word "patent" and I think some numbers follow. It's so small I almost missed it. Anyone recognize what time period this comes from or what jewelry made it? Thanks in advance!
I think it is a hat clip, used for decorating your hats? It is really beautiful. I hope someone can help you identify it. Good luck.
Thanks momsword. Appreciate your input. :) I'm so new at this, I've ever even heard of a hat clip. Will look into this.
Thanks PhilDavid. Yes I have heard the term dress clip before, though I haven't heard the term collar clip. Thanks for your input. :)