Posted 12 years ago
(123 items)
I have owned these lovelylittle ramakins for over 30 years , and never tire of looking at the " Picassoesque " images on them.
Three have the same markings of impressed vallauris and hand written name and initials R G ( or R C? ) . the other just the impressed mark and hand written what looks like to me as Jacquit . they all also have the letter Y .
I'd love to know the potters name etc..
they are approx 7 " long at handle an 5 1/4 " diametre bowl and 2"max hieght.
Made from hand painted terracotta clay circa 1960's I guess.
Cerenne (Charles René Neveux) 1945-1958. Picasso arrived in Vallauris in 1948.
He set up in the centre of town with his wife after the war at 46 de la rue Georges Clémenceau. The M.G. Is the name of the artist. There were up to 50 of them working there in the fifties.
By the way the French call these : poëlons.
Paul Jacquet?
Stunning:)!!!! beautiful:)
You can always rely on vetraio to come up with an answer!! Wonderful!!
Thanks to you all for the loves and a BIG Special thanks to Vetraio who has done it again ... where would CW be without you!! x x
your very welcome ozmarty:) I agree with you ,what would we do without Kevin:)